

what up big dogs

these are 3,000 lil rodents. i drew all the shit by hand save for a few sneaky nabs and CC0 shit. they will be/were minted on a (mostly?) pay-what-you-want basis. i hope you like them.

this isn't much of a manifesto. i like to draw even though i am bad at it. i like to take pictures though most of them are out of focus. i write songs and they all sound the same. but that's ok, i do this shit cause it's fun. that's what it's all about. it's funny to draw pictures of a mouse wearing a little hat.

there are a lot of people out there lying to you and that sucks. i'm not going to do that. these are some ridiculous little pictures i spent a few months making while laughing the whole time. they're not worth any money to me, but, i hope you might have some fun collecting a few that make you smile. that would be worth it.

i hope you find some time today to do something you enjoy. trying drawing a dumbass cartoon by hand. even if you suck majorly. draw a hundred. don't let straight lines push you around. god doesn't work in straight lines.




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i do not care about your personal information!!! aaaaaaAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!

i do not care about your personal information!!! aaaaaaAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!